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[恐怖图片] 七宗罪的完整版[7P]

发表于 2007-2-20 14:06:12 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
色欲 (Lust)   
贪食 (Gluttony)   
贪婪 (Greed)   
懒惰 (Sloth)   
愤怒 (Wrath)   
妒忌 (Envy)   
傲慢 (Pride)
* 色欲: 在硫磺和火焰中熏闷
* 贪食: 强迫进食老鼠,蟾蜍和蛇
* 贪婪: 在油中煎熬
* 懒惰: 丢入蛇坑
* 暴怒: 活体肢解
* 妒忌: 投入冰水之中
* 傲慢: 轮裂
Peter Binsfeld把每种罪行和恶魔联系在一起,代表各种罪行的恶魔会引诱拥有相同罪行的人。根据 Binsfeld 的分类,其配对如下:
* 路西法:傲慢
* 玛门(Mammon):贪婪
* Asmodai:色欲
* 撒旦:暴怒
* 别西卜:贪食 (苍蝇君主)
* Leviathan:妒忌
* Belphegor:懒惰

* 色欲-色欲泛指堕落的行为,道德的不完全,对刺激的追求,或过份希望他人的认同或接受。不合法礼的性欲,例如通奸。同时亦指过强的性欲,例如兽性。强暴﹑通奸﹑鸡奸等,都是色欲最极端的罪行。(但丁的标准是‘过份爱慕对方’,而这样便会贬低了神对人们的爱)。
* 贪食-现代的观点认为“贪食”指浪费食物,或是过度放纵食欲、酗酒或屯积过量的食物,虽然在过去,任何因轻率而剩下的,都包括在贪食的定义中。而贪食也可以包括一些破坏性的行为,尤其指运动上(例如赢得奖杯),物质滥用或酗酒。贪食的定义中包括了“沉迷”,所以,贪食除了指食物外,对任何事物的过份沉迷也给包括了。(但丁的观点是‘过份贪图逸乐’)。
* 贪婪-与贪食一样,是一种希望占有比所需更多为之贪婪,尤其是指金钱上的过份追求。Thomas Aquinas认为贪婪是“背向神的罪恶,正如所有朽坏的罪恶一样,是人为了会腐败的东西,放弃永恒的东西。”与贪婪有关的罪恶包括背叛﹑不忠﹑叛国﹑尤其是为了个人利益的。搜括及聚积过量财富,偷窃,打劫,尤其是以暴力或欺诈的形式,或借助权力而得到的财富。(或是以但丁的观点,贪婪是‘过度热衷于寻求金钱上或权力上的优越’)。
* 懒惰-懒惰及浪费时间
* 其他人需更努力工作以填补缺失
* 因应该的事情还没有做好,对自己是百害而无一利
* 均衡:一方比另一方付出更多(从但丁的神学观念上去看,懒惰是‘未能全心爱上帝,未能全副精神爱上帝,未能全人之心灵爱上帝’-具体来说包括懒惰、怯懦、缺乏想像力、满足及无责任心。
* 暴怒-源自憎恨而起的不适当(邪恶的)感觉,复仇或否定他人,在律法所赋与的权力以外,行使惩罚他人的意欲亦被归作愤怒。过份的警戒﹑对他人有伤害的意图。它也包括对他人无理的愤怒,例如因种族引起的歧视。因暴怒而引起的罪都是大罪,例如杀人﹑歧视﹑大屠杀等等。(但丁描述为"把对公义的爱护歪曲为复仇和憎恨 ")。
* 妒忌-妒忌跟贪婪一样,是一种因为不能满足的欲望而产生的罪恶。首先,贪婪通常跟物质财产有关,而妒忌则跟其他方面有关,例如爱情,或他人的成功。第二,妒忌的人的欲望,通常建基于他人的失去。妒忌可以令人对他人的不幸袖手旁观,甚至为他人的悲惨遭遇而感到快乐。因对方所拥有的资产比自己丰富而心怀怨怒(但丁说:“对自己资产的喜爱变质成了忌恨其他更美好事物的拥有者的欲望”)。
* 傲慢-傲慢被认为是七宗罪中最原始,最严重的一项。期望他人注视自己或过度爱好自己,(因拥有而感到比其他人优越)(把自己定位成比上帝或他人更优秀的存在。傲慢被认为是所有罪中最致命的,因为路西法就是因为傲慢而堕落,最后成为了与神对抗的魔鬼撒旦。自负与自恋都是这种罪恶的产物。但丁对骄傲的解释是“对自己的喜爱变质成对相邻者的憎恨和轻蔑”)。
四世纪当时的埃及僧侣伊瓦格里厄斯•泊恩太格司(Evagrius Ponticus) 把这些罪行定为八种“致命的激情”(8 deadly passions), 而在东正教方面,这些冲动仍然被描述为“致命的激情” 而不是深藏在他们体内的罪孽。而主动迎接这些“激情“或拒绝与这些“激情”对抗的人在正统基督徒道德神学(Orthodox Christian moral theology)方面是被定位成有罪的。
What it is:
Vanity is an excessive belief in one's own abilities, that interferes with the individual's recognition of the grace of God. It has been called the sin from which all others arise. Vanity is also known as Pride.
Why you do it:
Well-meaning elementary school teachers told you to "believe in yourself."
Your punishment in Hell will be:
You'll be broken on the wheel.
Associated symbols & suchlike:
Vanity is linked with the horse and the color violet.

What it is:
Envy is the desire for others' traits, status, abilities, or situation.
Why you do it:
Because other people are so much luckier, smarter, more attractive, and better than you.
Your punishment in Hell will be:
You'll be put in freezing water.
Associated symbols & suchlike:
Envy is linked with the dog and the color green.

What it is:
Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work.
Why you do it:
You're shiftless, lazy, and good fer nuthin'.
Your punishment in Hell will be:
You'll be thrown into snake pits.
Associated symbols & suchlike:
Sloth is linked with the goat (or the goatfish),and the color light blue.

What it is:
Avarice is the desire for material wealth or gain, ignoring the realm of the spiritual.
Why you do it:
You live in the most pampered, consumerist society since the Roman Empire.
Your punishment in Hell will be:
You'll be boiled alive in oil. Bear in mind that it's the finest, most luxurious boiling oil that money can buy, but it's still boiling.
Associated symbols & suchlike:
Avarice is linked with the frog and the color yellow.

What it is:
Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.           
Why you do it:
Because you were weaned improperly as an infant.
Your punishment in Hell will be:
You'll be force-fed rats, toads, and snakes.
Associated symbols & suchlike:
Gluttony is linked with the pig and the color orange.

What it is:
Lust is an inordinate craving for the pleasures of the body.
Why you do it:
Oh, please.
Your punishment in Hell will be:
You'll be smothered in fire and brimstone. Not kisses.           
Associated symbols & suchlike:
Lust is linked with the cow and the color blue.

What it is:
Wrath is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Anger.
Why you do it:
You're wired for it. Also, the people around you are pretty damn irritating.
Your punishment in Hell will be:
You'll be dismembered alive.
Associated symbols & suchlike:
Wrath is linked with the bear and the color red.
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